So glad you checked in! There are two huge announcements I am excited to share with you.
Announcement #1: I'm going to be a grandma (or Tootsie, as I am affectionately called by my grandchildren and others) again! God has miraculously allowed Preston and Rebecca to conceive a child and He is tenderly and meticulously knitting that child together in Rebecca's womb! He has determined a plan and purpose (Ps. 138:8) for that child's life and He already knows the number of hairs that will sprout from his or her bald head (Mt. 10:30). God has given me an incredible love for my unborn grandchild, but my love is no match for His boundless, merciful, unending love for him or her evident at the cross of Jesus! That precious baby, born a sinner and deserving God's wrath, will have the blessed opportunity to know Jesus through the glorious truth of the Gospel.
Announcement #2: I'm going to be a grandma (or Tootsie, as I am affectionately called by my grandchildren and others) again! God has miraculously called Dustin and Beth to adopt a child from Ethiopia and He will tenderly and meticulously knit that child together in it's biological mother's womb! He has determined a plan and purpose (Ps. 138:8) for that child's life and He already knows the number of hairs that will sprout from his or her bald head (Mt. 10:30). God has given me an incredible love for my unborn grandchild, but my love is no match for His boundless, merciful, unending love for him or her evident at the cross of Jesus! That precious baby, born a sinner and deserving God's wrath, will have the blessed opportunity to know Jesus through the glorious truth of the Gospel.
As you can see from these two announcements, there is very little that makes these two exciting situations different and even the things that seem different, aren't really, if you take a biblical look at it. Yes, both of these gifts will graciously be entrusted to our family in differing ways - one through biological birth and one through adoption - but both will ultimately come to us in the same way - from God's providential hands. And yes, with human eyes, these two children will look nothing, absolutely nothing alike, but "the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." (1 Sam 16:7).
I cannot wait to hold these two precious grandbabies in my arms and sing to the top of my lungs, (well, maybe not that loud, but you know what I mean!), "Jesus, loves the little children...all the children of the world...Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight...Jesus loves the little children of the world." I am so thankful that He does...and I want to be just like my Big Brother, Jesus, (through my spiritual adoption into God's family - I'll explain that another time)!
If you would like to follow Dustin and Beth's journey, their blog is entitled, The Least of These, and the link is Since I posted in the comment section of one of their posts, how the Lord has worked in my heart regarding adoption, I won't post it here, so please take time to read it. When God moves, it leaves no room for questions or doubts!
There are many prayer requests I would like to post, but for the time being I will ask the Spirit to divinely lay on the heart of each reader our greatest needs. He knows them better than we do anyway, so please pray for us as He leads you! (Rebecca would ask for relief from all-day-morning-sickness! Thanks!)
So happy to hear your news and rejoicing with you!! What special times in store for all the Cleggs!! :)