Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Discussion Questions from Bro. Matt's A.M. Message on October 18

As usual, Bro. Matt posted discussion questions on his blog to "further our thinking" on the text from the messages Sunday. I have pondered each of them and revised the questions and added a couple more, from the morning message, for specific application to my life and I thought they might be beneficial for other ladies as well. Prayerfully consider each, asking the Lord to show you the areas in your life that need to be transformed by Christ.

"Why Are You A Christian?" (Luke 20:45-47; 21:1-4)

1. Does your husband, children, and closest friends know why you are a Christian?

2. If someone asked your husband, children, and closest friends, would they say without hesitation that there is evidence in your life that you have a new, genuine affection for God?

3. Do you serve your husband and children with joy and in genuine love?

4. What evidence is there in your life when you're at work, standing in line at the grocery store, paying bills, getting a pedicure, eating out, or taking a walk in the neighborhood, that you have a new, genuine love for people and a desire for serving them?

5. What evidence is there in your life, when you're shopping for a home, decor, furniture, a car, clothes, shoes, jewelry, and Christmas gifts, that you see money as something God has given you in order to be a blessing to others and something to give away so you can enjoy more of the presence of God?

6. Are you teaching your children to see money as a gift from God in order to be a blessing to others and something to give away?

7. Have you discussed with your husband about how the upcoming Christmas season and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering can be a means by which your family can demonstrate your affections for money have shifted?

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